Thursday, 13 January 2011

Intrinsic Motivation

All aspects of the Internet and the modern world is in a process of changing it's motivational. This motivational is in the process of change from a monetary motivation to intrinsic motivation. The original idea of how to motivate people was you increase the incentives and rewards and it will produce a greater out come and a more desirable out come. The idea of the carrot and the donkey, where the donkey only does something when it is bated. Through research at several respected universities e.g. MIT, have found that is doesn't always happen the way expected.

In a test where they got a group of people to preform a high cognitive task and give 1/3 of the group a small monetary incentive the next 1/3 a medium monetary incentive and the last 1/3 a large monetary incentive. They found that the group who had the smallest incentive produced the best out come and the group of people who had the greatest incentive produced the worse outcome. In further research they found out that if a task is above a low cognitive task the motivation of the person is different, the persons motivation is driven by autonomy, mastery and purpose.

The communities based around the Internet and Floss/foss are all based around intrinsic motivation. For where the individuals goal is to master new skill or to help out other people. A project which shows this is the openstreetmap. This is a global map which is completely generated by user's uploading and drawing the map features onto the system. During the Haiti disaster this community map was the most accurate map available which developed and changed as the situation changed on the ground, all because of the community around the world wanted to help. This helping was only possible because of different companies releasing data they had, on an open license. This data involved real time satellite images to up-to date disaster information. These factors made the openstreetmap of the country the most accurate map Haiti has ever had and is still being use by the country as their main map source. In the disaster it was also used by all the aid works on the ground because of the same reasons.

This is a video of the reaction on openstreetmap after the Haiti disaster, with every flash being the creation of a map object.

OpenStreetMap - Project Haiti from ItoWorld on Vimeo.

Pink, D,. 2010. RSA Animate - Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us, Available at: [Accessed November 15, 2010]

Tim Berners-Lee: The year open data went worldwide|Video on Available at: went_worldwide.html [Accessed November 15, 2010].

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